Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Day 21

I'm thinking about making a vivarium. It's a tank that has live plants in it, a water pool or stream, and a sweet looking background. It's supposed to mimic the forest floor. However, I'd like to add a frog to it. The one on the left is a Firebelly Toad. They're relatively small and I can fit two of them in a 5 gallon tank. They also need about 60% water/40% land, so I was thinking about having a couple fish in the tank also which would look really cool. The one on the right is a White's Tree Frog. They get to be about 4-6" and one needs at least a 10 gallon tank. They're arboreal, which means they like to climb. The tank is going to have to be tall instead of wide, an easy mod. So I'm stuck between these two.

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